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Special Educational Needs Information Report and Local Offer

The school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Chelsea Evans who holds the National SENCo Award.

The SEND Team meet fortnightly. This consists of:

Mr John Littler (Headteacher)

Mrs Chelsea Evans (Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo)

Mrs Amy Nolan (Assistant SENDCo)

Mr Shaw (Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs Rachael Mather (Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs Nicola Ford (Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs Heather Lawrence (Teaching Assistant - SEMH)

The SEND Governor is Amanda Avery

Community Network Support Groups

Warrington’s new local offer homepage (SEND)

The new local offer has launched and is replacing Ask Ollie. The Local Authority is committed to continually improving the information available across education, health and social care.

What is the Local Offer?

Warrington’s Local Offer has lots of information about help and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.


Please find below details of support provided for families and their children. 

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network- Warrington.

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network is a Community Interest Company, social enterprise which was established in October 2012. Through the participation and co-production with families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs, they provide open access, community-based, solution-focused learning, coaching and mentoring programmes featuring health, wellbeing and enrichment activities for families living with these needs and for the professionals who support them.

ADHD Warrington Support Group

This page will share information, events and services that may be beneficial to people regarding supporting those around you with ADHD or ADD within the Warrington and surrounding area. The aim of the group is to provide help and support to anyone affected by ADHD/ADD and associated conditions. You do not need to have a confirmed diagnosis and whilst this group cannot help with this, they are there to listen and share their own experiences as parents.

Warrington Play and Sensory Centre

Warrington Play and Sensory Centre is a purpose built activity centre for disabled children and adults or those with special needs. Their facilities have been planned carefully and are fully accessible to all.

Warrington Parents & Carers Forum

Warrington Parents and Carers group hold regular support sessions where you as parents and carers can go along to Sandy Lane Children’s Centre and join the team for a drink and catch up. Some of their sessions will be a general catch up with the team and other parents/carers and families, whilst others are attended by professionals from Health, Education and Social Care services in Warrington. This provides the opportunity for professionals to talk to you about their service or answer any general questions you may have. 

Physical Disability Rugby League

PDRL is an exciting all-action variant of Rugby League. Full of big hits and spectacular tries just like the able-bodied Super League.

PDRL is a modified version of the game for anyone that has a Physical Disability and/or acquired brain injury that would usually stop them from playing Rugby League.

Learning Disability Rugby League

LDSL in partnership with Community Integrated Care is a fast-paced variant of rugby league that only Super Heroes can keep up with.

Learning Disability Rugby league is a non-competitive, modified version of the game using tags rather than contact tackles. Weekly training sessions develop core skills, specific rugby league skills as well as opportunities to socialise and become part of a team. Players can attend festivals and play games against other LDSL teams throughout the season.

Wheelchair Rugby League

Wheelchair Rugby League is a wheelchair-based version of Rugby League. Unlike many other wheelchair sports, Wheelchair RL is open to both disabled and non-disabled athletes.


ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition) 

Some resources can be found below to support working at home. 

Please find below a link to the Autism Parenting Magazine which provides helpful tips for parents and carers of children with Autism. 

Dyslexia and Processing 

Below are some listen and do resources that will support your child's working memory.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Please see the resources below to support children's Social, Emotional and Mental Health. 

Recommended apps and websites 

Below are some recommended apps and websites which may support your child's learning. 

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